One of the challenges facing the new officers of the Indiana Repeater Council was to determine what rules were in place to govern the operation of the council. The constitution and bylaws that you see here were written in 1971 and reprinted in 1978. The officers believe that this document has remained in effect since that time and we can find no records indicating that a different set of bylaws was ever ratified by the council. The draft bylaws that were presented at the November 2015 IRC meeting in Fort Wayne had been written in 1997, but were apparently never ratified.
Therefore, the officers of the IRC have concluded that these are the rules which govern the council and we will operate the council according to these
rules. If the council membership feels that this constitution or bylaws needs to be revised, we will do so under the rules for amendment contained in these documents.
You may download a copy of the Bylaws by clicking the following link:
IRC Bylaws 1971-78